From Medsien
The latest news, technologies, and resources from our team.

Remote dedicated staffing: What does it mean to be an extension of your practice
For most health organizations right now, teams are already understaffed, overworked, and overstressed - and each great new idea or new program or project or innovation that is suggested or required of clinical providers - adds more work for their team

How to audit proof your remote care management programs
No one wants to be audited, but if your practice is audited – you want to be ready. Readiness requires you to have good, accurate data – that’s easily available.

A little less lonely: How remote care management improves the lives of seniors
Loneliness is a serious epidemic and major public health problem impacting individuals and communities in the United States and around the globe.

Your oxygen mask first: How to battle healthcare burnout
Clinician burnout is a real threat to the stability of the healthcare system. Staffing shortages are the primary reason – and that has worsened considerably since COVID.

The Medsien Care Partner
Medical Assistants (MAs) are an essential part of successful care management. At Medsien the two things that make our remote care programs so successful are our unique proprietary software and our staffing model.

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